
Can Social Media Help Find A Job?

Author: Tommy Fellows

Looking for a job can be stressful, demoralising and overwhelming. Amongst other things it’s an emotional rollercoaster to say the least. Social Media is a key component in modern day society and this can have a huge impact when it comes to job seeking. There are a number of channels you can take when it comes to social media and each of them has their own benefits. Reed, City Jobs or even LinkedIn are some of the places employers will look when it comes to searching for potential employees. They have slowly become a professional version of Facebook and are entirely dedicated to a person’s career and achievements, basically an online CV or Résumé about one’s self. This is a good starting point for those looking to showcase themselves and ensure the right people are looking at their profile.

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Sep 23 2014 9:11AM

Facebook is another channel that I have used in the past to find a job. Although not as professional as LinkedIn or other online job boards (like Reed or Monster), they are primarily used as a way of keeping in contact with friends and family. It has..