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Title: Chamaleon Logo
Description: Recruitment Specialists for all Sales & City Professionals.
Title: Chamaleon Recruitment Logo
Description: Chamäleon is a recruitment agency that specialises in the Sales and Finance industry. Using our extensive knowledge of this specialised industry we strive to source high calibre candidates to fulfil our client requirements.
Title: Chamaleon CRISP Logo
Description: CRISP is an educational training programme that endeavours to ensure candidates educational needs and requirements for entrance into the City are met. Similarly, providing employers with the confidence that fully professional and competent employees are delivered to them.
Title: Chamaleon Evolution Logo
Description: Evolution is a real, live and fully dynamic sales training programme that endeavours to ensure candidates sales and communication skills are developed and strengthened. Our sales courses will help you learn how to sell over a phone, get interest from new customers, win more business and get ahead of your targets.....and eventually have the relevant and necessary sales experience to help you find a job!