
Essentially, a skilled Headhunter’s role is to seek, contact and initiate the process of extracting a specific ‘difficult to get hold of’ industry expert, who is currently employed by a competitor. These high calibre individuals are usually in high demand and are therefore much sought after than a normal candidate.

If you are looking to recruit a specific candidate who you feel would fit into your organisation perfectly, the chances are they are currently performing well within their current role and not actively looking for alternative employment. Furthermore, there may be roles that had they been aware of, would suddenly become open to the idea of a possible move.

Hence, it is for this reason, why a firm would require the services of a Headhunter - Chamäleon Headhunt Services. In short, we will take responsibility away from you and poach top talent from your competitors.

"who you want, when you want!"


Property Sales and Lettings